Custom Equipment Services

Parts are presented to the drill & tap machine by means of a free part transfer supply conveyor. The robot transfers parts to the drill/tap fixture. The drill/tap stations consists of two opposed twelve spindle fixed center heads mounted on hardened and ground box way slides. The machining slides and the drill/tap head RPM are CNC controlled. The spindles utilize quick change tooling for accuracy and allows for presetting the length of the tools offline. After the machining operations are complete the robot transfers the parts from the drill/tap fixture to the exit conveyor. The parts proceed on the conveyor to thread inspection where they are located and checked utilizing a General Inspection Unit. The reject station removes bad parts from the machine. The parts travel on the conveyor to a pin stamp unit where they are marked with the Julian date. The parts travel to the next station for a rust preventative application followed by part blow off that removes excess fluid.
    • The fixture is capable of holding six parts
    • The fixture raises and lowers to allow the parts to be moved between the drill and tap position
    • The robot end of arm tooling is capable of loading/unloading six parts at a time
    • Coolant flush is designed into the end of arm tooling for washing and cleaning
    • The fixed center drill and tap heads have the capability of rigid tapping
    • The tapping spindles are provided with coolant through the spindles
    • The coolant system is capable of supplying high pressure and low pressure coolant
    • The conveyor removes chip from the system. Coolant is filtered and is returned to the machining operation.

This wire-forming machine can handle a variety of wire sizes. It takes the wire off a bobbin, then feeds it through a straightener. It then chamfers the end and cuts it to length. A custom 3-axis grinder then creates the tip, and it is sent into an air-over oil press to produce a flange and imprints the customer’s logo. It is then bent to create the tip for the final product.

This video shows how TKS has great expertise in the part handling of rotors. You can see how the FANUC robot scans the part to make sure that it is handled correctly and safely.

You can see how the FANUC robot has been expertly programmed to handle a stator. This robot takes many pictures of the stator to ensure that it is holding it correctly to keep the part safe as it moves around the cell to make sure it is handled correctly and safely.

This video features a FANUC robot performing a custom rotor loading and unloading program from a piece of equipment. Here at TKS, we are greatly experienced in creating custom rotor handling solutions to fit your needs.

We made this custom locking drawer to keep robotics operators safe. This drawer locks unless both buttons are pressed to make sure that there are no accidental openings that would cause a safety hazard. It also locks in the open position to ensure complete safety when the robot is active.


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  View our Dedicated Equipment Demo Video Specialized high-volume machine for drilling and tapping capable of 800pph. This special machine has an optimized machining process with automated part handling and in-process gauging all in a small footprint.
Robotic Dispensing Demo This dedicated equipment utilizes a walking beam to transfer two pistons through a bearingizing process, part marking and a final inspection on the ring groove.
This machine was specialty built to remove a salt core ring from an aluminum piston.